Berikut beberapa Caption Tahun Baru Imlek Untuk Instagram

Berikut beberapa Caption Tahun Baru Imlek Untuk Instagram
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Editor: Epenz Life Style —Kamis, 8 Februari 2024 10:16 WIB - Tahun Baru Imlek akan diperingati pada Sabtu, 10 Februari 2024 dan inilah saatnya mengundang keberuntungan untuk menyambut tahun 2024 yang penuh kegembiraan.

Banyak orang akan membagikan momen istimewa melalui media sosial Instagram. Namun, para pengguna mungkin bingung ingin menulis caption atau keterangan seperti apa pada unggahannya.

Jangan khawatir, karena ada banyak ide caption Instagram dengan tema Tahun Baru Imlek yang akan disajikan dalam artikel ini.

Berikut adalah rekomendasi caption Instagram untuk merayakan Tahun Baru Imlek:

  1. Welcome to the 'Year of the Dragon.'
  2. New lunar year, new me.
  3. Just hanging out with the dragons. How about you?
  4. Lucky dumpling is my wrap name.
  5. Wishing you the best of luck, the best of love, and the best of everything.
  6. Good fortunes only.
  7. I'm all about the fireworks and festivities.
  8. What the luck?
  9. High hopes & red envelopes.
  10. You can leave me on red.
  11. Name a better parade. I'll wait.
  12. Dumplings? Don't mind if I do.
  13. I've never met a celebration I didn't like.
  14. Rosy cheeks and red envelopes.
  15. Big. Dragon. Energy.
  16. POV: hanging out with dragons.
  17. Here comes the fun.
  18. The firecracker and dragon emojis IRL.
  19. Lucky girl syndrome.
  20. Good luck and good vibes only from here on out.
  21. Honoring the past and embracing the future.
  22. These are the magical nights we live for.
  23. May your longevity noodles be long, your dumplings be lucky, and your red envelopes be abundant.
  24. Wishing you health, weath, and prosperity in the Year of the Dragon.
  25. This is how you start a new year.
  26. Would you look at all those lanterns?
  27. Some celebrations should last forever.
  28. Showing off my lucky money.
  29. More than ready for the Year of the Dragon.
  30. Lanterns and red envelopes and dumplings, oh my!
  31. Making resolutions for the Dragon.
  32. Sending this selfie to NASA, because we're celebrating the Lunar New Year.
  33. What's happy, festive, and red all over?
  34. The longer the noodles, the luckier the New Year.
  35. May your New Year be fierce as hell.
  36. Bringing in the new year with a bang! Here’s to making the Year of the Dragon the best year yet
  37. Did this dragon and I just become best friends?
  38. Ready for my spirit to be light and my wallet to be heavy this year instead of the other way around.
  39. Lunar New Year vibes.
  40. Red-y to party.
  41. Let’s make the Year of the Dragon awesome! Bring it on!
  42. Having bunches of fun together.
  43. Parades, lanterns, and lots of Lunar New Year things.
  44. Love you more than dim sum.
  45. Over the mooncake.
  46. Grateful for another year with my family and friends.
  47. Sending gifts to my besties for the Lunar New Year.
  48. Luck foods only.
  49. Feasting on delicious Chinese New Year treats.
  50. Xin nian kuai le!
Sejarah lampion yang identik dengan perayaan Tahun Baru Imlek. (
Lampion yang identik dengan perayaan Tahun Baru Imlek. (
  1. Do more things that require parades.
  2. Red and gold everywhere.
  3. Welcoming the Year of the Dragon with open arms.
  4. The sparkliest Instagram post of the entire year.
  5. Health, wealth, and happy times.
  6. Traditions from the past, to cherish in the present .
  7. May the new year shower you with luck and love.
  8. Wishing for a prosperous, joyful year ahead.
  9. Filling the house with laughter.
  10. Let’s make the Year of the Dragon the best year yet! Let’s do this!
  11. Ready to be the luckiest Dragon of the year!
  12. Lanterns make every moment feel beautiful and lucky.
  13. Red envelopes, dumplings, and happiness everywhere! Let’s bring in the new year with style.
  14. Red is the new black.
  15. May the good luck dragon bring you all the good fortune this year!
  16. Let the new year be filled with dumplings, not drama!
  17. Turning a new page and starting anew.
  18. Cheers to the Year of the Dragon, whoop whoop!
  19. Bringing good luck and good vibes into the new year.
  20. Heart? Full. Envelope? Red.
  21. Red envelopes and dumplings galore.
  22. May the lunar new year bring you success and luck.
  23. Step into the Lunar New Year celebrations and let it go.
  24. Feeling fortune-ate.
  25. Red is the ultimate cure for sadness.
  26. Lanterns make every moment feel beautiful and lucky.
  27. Here’s to a year of luck and prosperity! May the Year of the Dragon bring us all the good fortune we need.
  28. Celebrating the Year of the Dragon with pride.
  29. Good Vibes. Bigger goals. Better experiences. More happiness. Less pain. Fewer friends. Stronger relationships. More focused than ever.
  30. Watch out 2024, because here I come.
  31. Always remember we are under the same sky, looking at the same moon.
  32. Wishing you a year filled with chill vibes and epic adventures.
  33. Toasting to a year of cute selfies and even cuter memories.
  34. Love, laughs, & long noodles.
  35. Documenting the last sunset of the year, welcoming the first sunrise of the next.
  36. Bidding farewell to the old year, welcoming the Chinese New one with anticipation.
  37. Goodbye to the old and hello to the new!
  38. Put on your red outfits, it’s time for the new year!
  39. Dancing under the stars, celebrating the arrival of a brand-Chinese New Year.
  40. May the New Year be as bright as the lanterns that light the sky.
  41. The longer the noodle, the luckier the girl.
  42. There’s no such thing as too much sparkle.
  43. My Chinese New Year diet plan? To eat all the leftover holiday cookies.
  44. Fun times and firecrackers.
  45. Sparkling smiles and glittering memories were shared on Instagram tonight.
  46. Here’s to a fabulous Chinese New Year!
  47. Embracing the best version of ourselves as we step into the Chinese New Year.
  48. Here’s to a year of cute milestones and precious memories.
  49. Gathering with loved ones to bring in the new year.
  50. Luck and prosperity for the year ahead.

Itulah 100 ide caption Instagram tentang Tahun Baru Imlek yang bisa digunakan pengguna ketika mengunggah foto dan mengabadikan momen bersama teman serta keluarga. Selamat Tahun Baru Imlek!

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Tahun Baru Imlek Tahun 2024 Caption Instagram
